Friday, March 13, 2009

Manny "has" a sore hamstring...

PHOENIX -- Los Angeles Dodgers slugger Manny Ramirez was scratched in his first scheduled spring training start because of tightness in his left hamstring.
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Ramirez had been in the lineup as a designated hitter for the Dodgers' exhibition against South Korea on Thursday. He was replaced by Mark Loretta.
Manager Joe Torre said he expects to use Ramirez as his designated hitter against Texas on Friday.
"He wanted to play today, and I didn't think there was much sense in doing that," Torre said after the Dodgers' 4-2 victory over South Korea.
Ramirez has been working out with the Dodgers since agreeing last week to a $45 million, two-year contract. He can void the deal after one season.
Ramirez told reporters that he felt some tightness in his left hamstring while running before batting practice. He plans to come in early Friday and get hot and cold whirlpool treatments. Manager Joe Torre told him to rest the hamstring another day as a precaution.
Ramirez expects to make his Cactus League debut Friday against Texas.
"It felt kind of tight when we were doing the drill from second to home,'' Ramirez said. "It's not a bad thing. I'll probably be in there tomorrow. It's not that bad.
"I'm not disappointed. We've got plenty of time to get ready, and that's in my favor. I'm going to take it day by day.''
Ramirez said he'll need about 40 to 50 at-bats to be ready for the season opener.
Information from The Associated Press and's Jerry Crasnick was used in this report.

Here is just another case of Manny being Manny. We saw all sorts of these sagas when Manny was in Beantown. If Manny's hamstring was so tight, then why was he seen riding a big tricycle around the Dodger's Spring Training facility? I don't wish bad on Manny I really don't because I still like him. The only thing I do hope on is that L.A. gets a dose of this Manny being Manny on the bad end of the stick. We see him laugh and joke around, but when he fakes an injury in order not to play, we'll see what L.A. does then.


  1. I agree with your comment about Manny, but its seems that the media likes to see what he is going to do next so they follow him around. I feel that they just want to make sure that his so called injury won't lead to something serious since they want him out on the field. Only time will tell how Manny and the LA Dodgers work out.

  2. I also agree with your comment on Manny as well. Manny has always been like this, always seem to come up with something, or is late to training, etc. The dodgers have yet to realize what his real deal is. I would just stretch a lot and have the trainers do some work on me, but I don't think you'd need like a week off or what ever he had.
